I once read that the best way to overcome writer's block is to just start writing the first thing that comes to your mind. The idea being that it's much easier to edit something than to start writing on a blank page. With this in mind I start writing anything, just so I have something on my page and I can start editing it. If you're reading this, it means that, sadly, I didn't have much more to add or edit than the first thing that came to my mind. Sorry. Though that brings me to the reason I started this blog. I hope it will help me put some random ideas and projects I've come up with over the years on paper (or blog), so that I can work out what to do with them.

I'm a software engineer. I've studied music production and I DJ occasionally. I've designed things, made silly videos, played with 3D modelling, electronics, all sorts of random geeky things I hope one day will converge into something. This blog is an attempt at convergence.

As a software engineer, when faced with a difficult problem, I often use this method called Rubber duck debugging. Rubber duck debugging is not a sophisticated technique, quite the opposite, it consists of explaining a problem you have to a rubber duck. That's it. It works because it forces the engineer to explain the problem in detail to "someone" (the rubber duck in this case) who has never heard about the problem. I don't literally talk to a rubber duck, I usually grab one of my colleagues instead. In doing that, we, engineers, often find the solution, simply because by explaining the problem in detail we end up understanding it better. As you can imagine this method can be used in many different life situations, not just software engineering.

So guess what? You are my rubber duck. Thanks for reading.